Σχολικές Δράσεις & Δραστηριότητες
Ευρωπαϊκά Προγράμματα
Computational Thinking at School

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Erasmus+ 2019-1-EL 01-KA201-062883 |
• Συντονιστής (Applicant Organisation):
Directorate of Secondary Dodecanese, Public educational authority, Rodos, Greece
• Εταίροι (Partners):
University of the Aegean, LTEE, Rodos, Greece
CEP La Laguna, training centre, Public educational authority, Tenerife, Spain
Secondary School of Gennadi, Rodos, Greece
Secondary School of Zipari, Kos, Greece
2nd Upper secondary School of Rodos, Greece
IES EL SOBRADILLO, Secondary School, Tenerife, Spain
Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha, Secondary School, Lisbon, Portugal
Fyllingsdalen videregående skole, Secondary School, Bergen, Norway
• Περίληψη Σχεδίου (Summary):
The project “Computational Thinking at School” aims to introduce computational thinking and its implications in pedagogies in the educational field. The high impact of Computer Science in science, economy and society has increased the dialogue about the role of Computational Thinking in education. Computer Science is currently considered the fourth great scientific domain along with the traditional Physical, Life and Social Sciences (Rosenbloom, 2004). Wing in 2006 recognized Computational Thinking as a fundamental competency that all literate citizens should develop through compulsory education, to complement the three other core skills, that is, reading, writing and mathematics.
The integration of Computer Science and Computational Thinking in general education is an imperative issue that should attract the interest of the education community and educational policy makers. The project addresses the application of Computer Science to other school subjects through training of teachers. The role of teachers is crucial in understanding of Computational Thinking as this is depicted in learning activities they design.
The project has four aims: A) an online training course for teachers at partner schools on the scope and conceptualization of Computational Thinking at classroom level B) production of learning scenarios related computational thinking. Evaluation of scenarios and their impact on learners. Selection of best practices C) digital guide D) website
The project is initiated by Directorate of Secondary Education in the Dodecanese, public authority for education at regional level. Laboratory of Learning Technology and Educational Engineering (LTEE) from the University of Aegean will design and implement the pedagogical part of the project. There are six public Secondary schools that will join the training course and will pilot learning scenarios in their classes: three schools from different islands in Greece (Rodos and Kos), one school from Tenerife island in Spain, a school from Lisbon in Portugal and a school from Bergen in Norway. The partner schools have prior cooperation in other Erasmus projects and have focused on Computational literacy and Computer Enhanced Learning among their scope of interest.
It is expected that through the three year project about 80 teachers (15 per school) will be trained and actively involved.
The project will organize short term staff training events in each partner organization. The aim of the events is to study the ten basic dimensions of Computational Thinking and to produce learning scenarios for all dimensions.
• Ιστολόγιο/Blog:
Computational Thinking at School
• Wedsite by LTEE:
Computational Thinking at School
• eTwinning Groups:
Computational Thinking at School