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ICTeam-logo-n ICT integration in Special Needs Education


Erasmus+  2020-1-NO01-KA201-076430

Συντονιστής (Applicant Organization):  

Fyllingsdalen videregående skole, Secondary School, Bergen, Norway  

Εταίροι (Partners):   

Springbrett for ungdom, Bergen, Norway  

ICON Greece NGO, Greece   

Gymnasio Gennadiou, Rodos, Greece  

Gymnasio Zipariou, Kos, Greece  

Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha, Portugal

Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal   

CEP La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain 

IES EL SOBRADILLO, Secondary School, Tenerife, Spain        

Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain   

Περίληψη Σχεδίου (Summary):  

In the 2018 International Computer and Information Literacy Study by European Union, it is set that digital competence constitutes an essential skill for participating in a technology driven world. This also applies to students with disabilities/special needs.

Learners with disabilities/special needs cannot participate in civic and social life in today's world without handling basic skills in ICT. Yet, schools and other non-formal education organisations do not always support development of digital competences for learners with special needs, both youth and adults.

Educational ministers from Eu member states have identified that all student should develop key competences for lifelong learning. It is important that everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning that develops key competence and basic skills. We see that a basic skill in today's society is to handle the digital tools in everyday life. For students with disabilities/special needs, it can be a challenge to acquire and develop key competences, including basic skills when it comes to everyday tools such as smart technology.

To ensure that also these learners can take part in socio-educational and personal development, participate in civic and social life we need schools who can support key competences for students with disabilities/special needs. We need to promote innovative learning approaches to ensure that learners with disabilities/special needs can be socially included in the modern society.

European countries values equality, social inclusion, diversity and non-discrimination. It's essential to tackle segregation that students in Special Needs Education is given the opportunity to participate in the society and have a civic engagement. Support of students with special educational needs must be improved at school level. The aim of the project is to ensure active citizenship and lifelong learning for students with special needs through the training of basic IT skills. This is to ensure the opportunities for learners with disabilities/special needs to participate in democratic life and be active engaged in social and civic activities.The objective of the InClusion Team (ICTeam) project is to exploit digital learning environments aiming to reinforce the development of ICT competences for learners with special needs/disabilities.

The project aims to create a learning community where Universities, schools, teacher training centre and NGOs exchange good practices of teaching ICT to students and adults with special needs. The participating parties aim to provide training for educators and enhance the availability of good quality learning tools and resources. This will be done under the pedagogical guidance of the University of La Laguna and the Institute of Education of University of Lisbon.

The project takes into account five key propositions for the use of ICTs in education, as identified in United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The ICTeam project has four objectives:

¤ Short term staff training events during six LTTAs

¤ Pilot studies of educational material and learning scenarios for Special Education at partners

¤ ICTeam Toolkit for educators in formal and non formal education

¤ Website

As a product, a Toolkit for ICT in Special Education will be developed to support teachers. The ICTeam Toolkit include the following modules: 

¤ ICT and SEN 

¤ Assistive Technologies for SEN  

¤ Sosial approach to ICT for SEN

¤ Inclusive ICT for SEN 

¤ Training of staff for specialist ICT

The transnational value of the project lays on the fact that special education is organized differently for SEN learners, both students and adults. There are cultural differences and differences between schools and non-formal education actors. It is essential to take into account the needs and wishes of the learners and their parents. Participants will learn and exchange different teaching practices, teaching materials, ways of organizing, collaborative ways and establishing new good suggestions for special education.

The results expected during the project and on its completion is a strengthened capacity of the participating organisations to provide more attractive education programmes for learners with disabilities/special needs; a more modern and committed school environment where one is ready to integrate good ICT practice and methods for Special needs education into daily activities, and a reinforced responsibility to the challenges of democratic values and fundamental rights, social inclusion, non-discrimination and active citizenship. 

Learners with disabilities/special needs participate in learning activities that results in basic skills in ICT and thus have an increased opportunity for those of disadvantages. 

Ιστοσελίδα/Website :  

InClusion Team      

Ημερίδα Διάχυσης (Event), May 2023:   

Differentiated teaching and inclusion: applications and tools in the classroom (relative article in school website)

Δραστηριότητες Μάθησης/Διδασκαλίας/Κατάρτισης (LTTA):   

¤ LTTA1 - Lisbon (Portugal), December 2021  

   Φωτογραφικό υλικό (Photos)  

Photos Lisbon  

   Παρουσιάσεις (Presentations) 

Definition of SEN  (Ana Sofia Freire)            

European and UN Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities  (Paula Pinto)  

Assistive Technology in School Settings  (Rui Fernandes)     

¤ LTTA2 - Rhodes (Greece), June 2022  

   Φωτογραφικό υλικό (Photos)  

Photos Rhodes        

   Παρουσιάσεις (Presentations) 

Collaboration between school and family  

Inclusive ICT for SEN  (Lada Melina)       

Intercultural Education  (Diamantis Thanasis)       

SEN in Ancient Greece  (Christina Gkolomazou)    

SEN in Greece  (Matina Markatou)          

The attitude of Church towards SEN  (Anastasia Moutsika)        

¤ LTTA3 - Bergen (Norway), September 2022  

   Φωτογραφικό υλικό (Photos)  

Photos Bergen      

   Παρουσιάσεις (Presentations) 

Universal Design for Learning    

CEP La Laguna Challanges  

   Παρουσιάσεις των Σχολείων (School Presentations)     

El Sobradillo High School, Spain   

Gymnasio Gennadiou, Greece       

Gymnasio Zipariou, Greece      

Icon Greece, Greece    

Icon Greek Schools, Greece      

AE São João da Talha, Portugal     

Springbrett, Norway   

¤ LTTA4 - Tenerife (Spain), December 2022  

   Φωτογραφικό υλικό (Photos)  

Photos Tenerife   

   Παρουσιάσεις (Presentations) 

¤ LTTA5 - Kos (Greece), June 2023  

   Φωτογραφικό υλικό (Photos)  

Photos Kos            

   Παρουσιάσεις (Presentations) 

ChatGPT for Students with Special Needs  (ICON)   

Exploring Quizlet as an Educational Tool  (ICON)     

Work with ICT for SEN Teaching examples in the classroom of religious education  (ICON)     

ICT in the classroom of religious education  (ICON)     

Inclusive school towards the elimination of racial discriminations  (Gymnasio Gennadiou)     

Special Needs and Inclusive Education Course  (Gymnasio Gennadiou)    

Strengthening empathy  (Gymnasio Gennadiou)     

Differentiation and Inclusion – Part 1  (Gymnasio Zipariou, Stella Koumi)    

Differentiation and Inclusion – Part 2  (Gymnasio Zipariou, Maria Diakogiorgi) 

Inclusion and Differentiation Learning  RCRE  (Gymnasio Zipariou − RCRE, Maria Papavasileiou)   


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